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Business Essentials: Master Your Confidence in 3 Easy Steps

I’ll walk you through the three-step approach toward a more confident self.

If you want to build your business, you need to master prospecting. Today, I will share three ways you can build your confidence that will enable you to build your business:

1. Know the subject matter. The first step is to thoroughly understand your subject matter. Read the documents you will present multiple times until you know them inside and out. Whatever your line of business is, commit to learning daily. By dedicating one hour each day to purposeful learning, you will gain confidence and expertise. Being a subject matter expert builds your confidence.

2. Practice. Knowing the right information is crucial, but practicing it is equally important. If you’re in sales, spend a significant amount of time each week practicing your craft. This includes speaking out loud, recording yourself, watching your body language, and focusing on your enunciation and gestures. Without regular practice, confidence will be hard to build up. Practice by yourself so that when it’s time to perform for clients, you’re fully prepared.

“Building and displaying confidence in your business is a three-pronged approach.”

3. Know your unique value. Understand and believe in your unique value. Remember: you are the only person who can bring your experiences and qualities to the table. Ask yourself what unique contributions you can offer your clients, and reflect on your dedication, your ability to provide value, your listening skills, and your willingness to go the extra mile. Even if you don’t have all the answers, knowing that you bring something unique to the table will boost your confidence.

Building and displaying confidence in your business is a three-pronged approach. By following these steps, you will exude more confidence and serve your clients better. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call 907-354-8307 or email

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